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Sunday, December 30, 2018

Duluth South Shore & Atlantic PS-1 boxcar

Here we have a Duluth South Shore & Atlantic PS-1 boxcar.  This is a model of a 1948 order that has been upgraded at the shops with the new Superior Gateway slogan. DSS&A ordered some small lots of PS-1 boxcars beginning in 1940 through 1957.  Most were single door versions, but the last order was for a 50 foot version with double doors for service to the Celotex plant near L'Anse, Michigan.  This car is an All-Nation undecorated kit I found.  I added details such as brake system, cut levers, air hoses, etc. using detail parts from Scale City Design, Selley Custom Finishes, Walthers, as well as Keil-Line. This car will run on my Proto Hi-Rail layout.  May all of you have a Happy New Year.  
Hope you like the car.  

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